Assigned by: Dr. Berg | Starting Date:
January 25, 2011
Reasons for Assignment: Weight control |
Goal of the Assignment: Loose 18 pounds in 6 months
Direction: Walk everyday for more than 30 minutes with target heart rate, 120 beats/min.
- Distance:
2.8 mile
March 11, 2011
- Duration:
35 min.
March 11, 2011
- Average Speed:
4.8 miles/hour
March 11, 2011
- Calories Burned:
150 cal.
March 11, 2011
- Average Heart Rate:
120 bits/min.
March 11, 2011
- Weight:
172 pounds
March 11, 2011
Statistical Graph will be here
- Total Distance:
248 mile
Since Jan. 25, 2011
- Total Duration:
2,844 min.
Since Jan. 25, 2011
- Total Calories Burned:
13,503 cal.
Since Jan. 25, 2011
- Total Workouts:
Since Jan. 25, 2011
- Total Weight Loss:
11 pounds
Since Jan. 25, 2011